miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

"Bioshock 2 Teaser" Making of [ENGLISH]

Hi there! It's been a few months since I wrote anything here. I have something that was left behind, and while working on my new demo reel, I saw looking at old works and came across with the project I made for my Visual Effects by Nodes Systems class, or in short: NUKE. It was done in less than 2 and a half months a year ago.

We were told the project for that trimester was a short video of science fiction theme. Had to film a location to make a 3D track and also a greenscreen, a matte painting that would be created in Nuke and compose it all. First we presented a preview of how it would look like and what we would do. I chose Bioshock as almost every project that I'd presented at school and decided to use my old Big Sister suit, which had to be restored as it was very damaged.

For those who do not know what a Big Sister is, I'll leave these concept arts from the game Bioshock 2.

My suit [late 2012]

My suit fixed, with modifications, and repaint, :)

Idea preview

Then we went to film an abandoned building in a school for the 3D track [didn't need that, but it's that kind of useless stuff they made you do in school so you can learn about a topic and this was the case, but it was fine as the camera movement looked good with the tracking]

Then, since I had finished fixing the suit,  we recorded in my boyfriend's house, who was the cameraman while I was suffocating in the heavy suit and held my breath so I didn't have to struggle editing my fat rolls in post production. Big Sisters are skinny and it was clearly not my case :(

We were about 5 hours filming minutes that ended up being seconds [this is normal in every film stuff]. I was tired and he also was [and kind of angry] with stuff like "record correctly D: ¬ n¬" and "then do it right!" followed by "it's your fault D:" and so, but nothing that sandwiches with chocolate milk can not fix.

The most difficult part was done, with the footage the rest was a piece of cake. Just greenscreen keying, separate scenes, generating mattes in Photoshop, modeling props, integrate and compose everything, etc.

And finally the credits and audio. It was worth it, I was the first 10 grade [A+ in other countries] in the history of the class

Mini Making of

Final Video

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